My Favourite Cake

07/02/24 – 19:30 The Venue
Iran 2024
Dirs: Maryam Moghaddam, Behtash Sanaeeha
Cert 12A
97 mins
Starring: Lily Farhadpour, Esmail Mehrabi

This gentle and heart-warming tale of lonely 70-year-old widow, Mahin, who decides to take matters into her own hands in her quest for love and companionship, has been judged a subversive piece of filmmaking by Iranian authorities who refused permission for its directors to attend the Berlin Film Festival where the film was in competition. “My Favourite Cake” presents us with a slice of Iranian life in which the personal is also the political. When, on impulse, Mahin invites an elderly, obviously lonely taxi driver into her home for tea, a wonderful, unpredictable evening ensues where second chances seem a possibility. However, just their being together is anathema to the country’s powerful and ubiquitous morality police. A favourite with critics and audiences alike.

Download the film notes here.
