Àma Gloria

25/10/24 – 19:30 The Venue
France 2023
Dir: Marie Amachoukeli-Barsacq
Cert: 12A
84 mins
Starring: Louise Mauroy-Panzani, Ilça Moreno Zego

The special bond between 6-year-old French girl Cléo and her nanny Gloria is the focus of “Àma Gloria”. Cléo adores her nanny and is distressed when she has to return home to Cape Verde to see to family matters after the death of her mother. However, Cléo uses all her wiles to persuade her widowed father to allow her to travel to Cape Verde in the holidays to spend one last summer with Gloria. The weeks she spends there are an eye-opener for Cléo. Alongside the happiness she feels at being with her nanny also comes the not so welcome realisation that there are other people in her nanny’s life too, notably her own children. A charming film which has delighted audiences worldwide,with a standout performance by the young Louise Mauroy-Panzani.
